Tuesday 4 October 2011

Guide to forge equipments in Godswar

Recommendation: Prepare more sets of crystals in case if u fail, after failing once, the result for the second try are more likely to be 'succeeded'

Beginners forge guild (For anyone in the game):

Common => Enhance : lvl 1 sapphire *50% success rate*
Enhance => Delicate : lvl 1 sapphire *30% success rate*
Delicate => Good : lvl 1 sapphire + 25 X lvl 1 crystals *45% success rate*
Good => Superior : lvl 2 sapphire + 25 X lvl 1 crystals *43% success rate*

Grade 1 => Grade 2 : lvl 1 emerald *60% success rate*
Grade 2 => Grade 3 : lvl 1 emerald *35% success rate*
Grade 3 => Grade 4 : lvl 1 emerald + 25 X lvl 1 crystals *55% success rate*
Grade 4 => Grade 5 : lvl 1 emerald + 25 X lvl 1 crystals *40% success rate*
Grade 5 => Grade 6 : lvl 2 emerald + 25 X lvl 1 crystals *33% success rate*

Superior Grade 6 is very easy to forge, it doesnt really cost much to make a full set, but after that, you'll be spending around 4 times more Gold/E-gold each try, i'll be including some special skills of forging which might help you.
1. Forging Classical: Since you are using level 2 crystals when forging classical eqs, i recomend to upgrade your gem into lvl 3, in order to increase success rate
Superior => Classical : lvl 3 Sapphire + 25 X lvl 2 crystals *71% success rate*
Some people might say that they forged classical with only lvl 1 crystals, you can try if you want, but i dont think its a good idea:
lvl 3 sapphire + 25 X lvl 1 crystals gives only 21% success rate, but its up to you whether if u want to forge it with lvl 1 crystals.

2. Forging Grade 6 => Grade 7 : It is recommended to use lvl 3 emerald + 25 X lvl 2 crystals *66% success rate*
For people who's not willing to use lvl 3 emerald, its okay to use lvl 2
Prepare 2 sets of emerald and crystals, and few lvl 1 emerald, forge any eqs from Grade 1 => Grade 2, 60%, keep forging until you failed 1 or 2 times, dont close the forging window, go for Grade 7 straight away.
lvl 2 emerald + 25 X lvl 2 crystals *58% success rate*
At this stage, people might ask, what's the point of forging other eqs? isnt that a waste of gems?
Well, think like this, if the chances for a character to critical is 50%, after 2 hits, no critical comes out, the chances for the third hit is more likely to do a critical than the first 2 hits, Get It ? If you dont get it, bad luck, coz im moving on ~ no time to waste ~ xD

3. Forging Grade 7 => Grade 8 : lvl 3 emerald + 25 X lvl 2 crystals *51% success rate*
PS: Forge any eqs from Common => Enhance, 50% success rate, keep forging until u failed 1 or 2 times, then go for Grade 8.

4. Forging Grade 8 => Grade 9 : lvl 3 emerald + 25 X lvl 2 crystals *31% success rate*
*31% is very low for lvl 2 crystals, because if u fail once, then thats 2828 Gold/E-gold flew away from you, it is recommended to use lvl 3 emerald and lvl 3 crystals for 100% success rate*
If you dont want to use lvl 3 crystals, its okay, 31% is counted as a chance, not impossible, there is always possibility for succeed~~ but its just too low ~~
PS: Forge any eqs from Grade 2 => Grade 3, 35% success rate, after 4 consecutive fails, go for Grade 9.

5. Forging Classical => Eternal : lvl 3 sapphire + 25 X lvl 2 crystals *41% success rate*
PS: Forge any eqs from Grade 2 => Grade 3, 35%, after 3 consecutive fails, go for Eternal.

6. At last, Grade 9 => Grade 10 and Eternal => Epic, lvl 3 gem + lvl 3 crystals, no doubt!!
PS: Forging guide above is just a simple maths calculation, trying the best of its ability to maximise your forging rate, but it really depends on whether if you a good person or bad person, it was told that a bad person will have 30% less success rate than a good person
Caution: Fails is undefendable, no one can stop it from coming, unless you are a very rich person, using level 3 gem and level 3 crystals each time

Below is just my little opinion, dont kill me if im wrong ~

1. Weapon:Recommend: Attack, Damage Bonus, Critical, MAX HP
PS: Warrior and Priest's weapon doesnt have Damage Bonus, Warrior can have Hit Rate instead, and Priest can choose between Hit Rate and MAX MP, depending on the MP you need while PVPing

2. Helmet:Recommend: Attack, Damage Bonus, Critical, Hit Rate
PS: Dont get rid of Critical and Hit Rate !!

3. Ring:Recommend: Attack, Damage Bonus, Critical, MAX HP
PS: Nothing much to say, dont change any of them

4. Glove:Recommend: Attack, Damage Bonus, Critical, Hit Rate
PS: Dont get rid of Hit Rate!!

5. Armor:Recommend: Defence, Dodge, Absorb, MAX HP
PS: Dont get rid of Dodge

6. Belt:Recommend: Defence, Magic Defence, Critical Resistance, MAX HP or MAX MP <depending on your skills>
PS: Magic Defence is very useless in Gang fight, dont get rid of critical resistance, if you have critical resistance for every eqs, the max critical resistance you get is 130, then you dont have to scare about mage critical, max critical for mage is 138.

7.Sleeve:Recommend: Defence, Critical Resistance, Hit Rate, Magic Defence
PS: Dont get rid of critical resistance and hit rate!!

8.Legging:Recommend: Defence, Critical Resistance, Dodge, Magic Defence
PS: Dont get rid of critical resistance and Dodge!!

9.Pendant:Recommend: Dodge, Critical Resistance, Absorb, MAX MP or Dodge Buff effect
PS: Warrior and Champ can choose MAX MP for skills, priest and recommend to have Dodge buff effect

10.Boot:Recommend: Critical Resistance, Absorb, MAX HP, Dodge
PS: Dont get rid of critical resistance and dodge

11.Shield:Recommend: Defence, Magic Defence, Absorb, MAX HP or MAX MP
PS: Depending on skills, warrior is recommended to have MAX MP

Most players decided to have MAX HP instead of Hit Rate, MAX HP only give 3150 maximum, 3150 HP = 1 or 2 normal hit from your opponent, but when PVPing against a lots of players, 3150 HP is useless, since you'll die anyway, instead, having higher Hit Rate isnt a bad thing ~ atleast its harder for you to miss your skills, think about a champ miss his spear hit, thats around half of his MP gone, for nothing~~

End of Story
wew so many typing, very tired, hope that helps...

First Post

This the top-3 games I eva played 4 now